Friday, August 24, 2012

Journal #1 How the narwhal got his horn

Once upon a time there was a young whale named Merlin. Merlin however was not quite like the other whales. All of the other whales liked to frolic around the ocean, but this made Merlin the whale very uncomfortable. He wanted more in life than just swimming around the ocean. Merlin's aspiration was to become famous. Merlin wanted nothing more than to be an individual and not just another whale. Merlin was very restless, and none of the other whales could ever understand why Merlin was unhappy. One day Merlin's whole life changed. It started when Merlin was moping around the bottom of the ocean. His eyes were downcast and did not know that another whale was just a few feet away swimming. The other whale approached Merlin slowly and she asked what was wrong. Merlin was caught off guard and looked up to find whom he decided was the most beautiful whale in the whole entire sea. The whale introduced herself as Hermione and once again asked what was the matter with Merlin. Still captivated by the girl, he found himself blurting out all of his insecurities about who he was and his desire to be special. Merlin's odd desire seemed to resonate with Hermione and the two whales struck up a conversation. Soon after this fateful meeting Hermione and Merlin became friends and then even fell in love. There, however, was one problem with Hermione and Merlin's romance. His name was Sheldon and he had his eyes on Hermione. See, in the ocean if two males whale wanted one female they must have a competition of superiority. This was how Sheldon challenged Merlin. It was clear to Merlin that Sheldon would win because Sheldon was both bigger than Merlin and had the most beautiful singing voice in all of the sea. Merlin was just about to surrender because he had no chance of winning the show of superiority. As he was on the way to the competition with his head bowed in defeat he ran into a sea turtle named Archimedes. Archimedes was an old and very wise turtle that was aware of Merlin's predicament. Archimedes had been around so long that he remembered the old magic of the sea. The elderly sea turtle decided to take pity on Merlin because he had a sense of humor and loved an under dog story. The sea turtle offered Merlin a deal he couldn't refuse and soon Merlin was on his way to the competition with a strange potion that had been rubbed on his head by what he thought was a senile sea turtle. When Merlin arrived at the event, a curious thing occurred. A horn began to grow out of his head. This horn was sharp and very fearsome. So fearsome in fact that Sheldon surrendered immediately, and Merlin became known as what is now called a narwhal. With his horn he was more confident and felt like an individual. Merlin had finally gotten all of his wishes granted, except one. Hermione had not been aware of the competition and was set into a rage when she found out. Hermione ended up dumping Merlin because she was an independent woman and belonged to no man.

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