Monday, December 17, 2012

Journal 24

Twice a year when Semester Finals begin to roll around many students begin to get very stressed out. Finals often can determine what you will get as a grade for the semester and therefore could effect your future. This is why you cannot just go into a final exam and expect to do well. If you try to wing your finals, things will not turn out good. You could possibly fail the class. This is why the best policy is to study for the semester final. There are many ways that you can do this. When I have my exams I usually start out by looking at the study guide that a teacher gives me. Because I learn visually I go through and write out all the answers to the study guide. Some teachers,however do not give out study guides. When this happens I must take a different approach. I will then go through all of my tests and homework for the semester and look at things that I frequently got wrong and practice them. This is an especially effective way to study for math finals. I practice until I know how to do them. I also review some stuff I know how to do just jog my memory. You do not want to be blindsided by the exam and not know something you should have. This is my way to doing well on the Final exam. I also advise not freaking out about the upcoming tests. You just need to stay calm and take deep breaths. If you do not you may not be able to study as effectively because you are focusing not on the material,but stressing out about the actual test itself. This could even make you get so stressed out that you go in and take the test, and then your mind completely blanks once you go into the test. Then you do not know anything and do awful on your final exam.

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