Monday, February 11, 2013

Journal 31

Gossip is information being passed from person to person that is discussing another, usually in a way that slanders their reputation  Gossip is usually viewed as a negative thing. When gossiped about, people can get hurt emotionally and be damaged. Gossip can even isolate some of its victims from their friends and acquaintances  This is why gossip is so terrible. I have seen gossip in action and the way it hurts both the person gossiping and the person being gossiped about. I have personally seen people that gossip all the time and they eventually become outcasts for their excessive gossip. No one wants to be friends with someone that they do not trust. The next thing you know, they may stab you in the back and start saying bad things about you. The gossiper is to be sympathised with despite their hurtful deeds because no one should be friendless. Yet, the person gossiped about then has a tarnished reputation and that is not fair to them because the gossip may be a lie. This is also very hurtful to their confidence and self esteem. It could even affect someone and the way that they think and act for the rest of their life. This complex social disaster is one reason that people should watch what they say and stop gossip, not spread it. Gossip hurts everyone. While many people may claim that gossip is just part of the human nature, I think that we can learn to control ourselves and hold our tongues when it comes to talking about other people. Just look at the celebrities in our society today. They are constantly chased by the paparazzi and lied about in tabloids. I do not think that they all deserve this just because they are well known in society. Many of these celebrities lives start to spin out of control and this may be in part to the stress of people constantly gossiping and lying about them.

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